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At times there is almost something atmospheric about the effect.
But atmospheric conditions may have been different in the past.
"How do you get by with the high atmospheric pressure?"
The pressure is so great - four hundred times atmospheric!
High atmospheric lead levels have been associated with serious health problems.
This fact has been put to use by some atmospheric scientists.
I never thought of them having atmospheric craft on board.
By around two billion years ago, atmospheric oxygen was on the increase.
One thing, at least, now appears clear to most atmospheric scientists.
Their atmospheric pressure is at least five percent lower than yours.
"There was some kind of atmospheric containment field working here."
"And what does that have to do with your atmospheric measurements?"
Then, yesterday, an even more powerful atmospheric force came into play.
If they were, their readings would change with atmospheric pressure.
You can see that atmospheric pressure is the much stronger force.
Some atmospheric scientists have said that it is based on poor research.
An hour's flight at close to top atmospheric speed brought no change.
Its atmospheric concentration was between 270 and 280 parts per million in 1850.
That part of the program, atmospheric testing, ended in 1963.
But other atmospheric scientists say the issue is not yet resolved.
It depends on the atmospheric conditions at any given moment.
There'd be less atmospheric moisture to the east of it.
Here, the search for atmospheric explanation is more down to earth.
The sound became much more atmospheric and ambient than before.
The atmospheric system also suffered from a number of operating problems.
The intensity of the pollution here is also a geological and atmospherical problem.
Astronomical and Atmospherical art have been practiced since prehistoric times, and many cave paintings are thought to be within the genre.
He invented the sliding portfolio, the atmospherical electroscope, and an orrery of perpetual motion (a failure).
Such a thing has happened before on that particular pathway, though there do not appear in this case to have been any geological or atmospherical conditions causing it.
An international consensus has been reached that virtually all chlorofluorocarbons and related chemicals that destroy atmospherical ozone should be eliminated by early in the next century.
It appears to have arisen from atmospherical distemperature and acts in most cases only upon persons weakened by want of wholesome food and clothing.
The newborn horror series became soon the most sold in Italian comics, and imposed Roi's atmospherical, dark qualities in the field.
La Terrrazza - Atmospherical Fun Club (CD) - Circle (2009)
Atmospherical electricity has imprinted this picture of a long-ago living world upon the heavens, just as Raphael drew his cartoons for the men of to-day to see."
In 1916 he enlisted in the Royal Engineers (meteorological section) and during the war years did important work related to atmospherical conditions at low levels in chemical warfare.
If he think fit, also, he may so manage his atmospherical medium as to bring out or mellow the lights and deepen and enrich the shadows of the picture.
Cozens executed watercolors in curious atmospherical effects and illusions which had some influence on Thomas Girtin and J.M.W. Turner.
There appear to be significant and measurable correlations between particular atmospherical events (such as a sudden increase in humidity and temperature) and the onset of disease (such as stroke).
By the same token the butterfly can be seen as triggering a tornado, its cause being assumed to be seated in the atmospherical energies already present beforehand, rather than in the movements of a butterfly.
Although his conceptual work includes drawings and paintings, his installations are more widely known for their atmospherical impact, constituting an environment in which the viewer is free to wander around and experience notions of displacement.
Priestley called the new substance "dephlogisticated air" and described it as "five or six times better than common air for the purpose of respiration, inflammation, and, I believe, every other use of common atmospherical air."
In the preface to The House of the Seven Gables, Hawthorne describes his romance-writing as using "atmospherical medium as to bring out or mellow the lights and deepen and enrich the shadows of the picture."
Its faint apparent magnitude (+11.7) and its proximity to much brighter Saturn and its rings make Enceladus difficult to observe from Earth, requiring a telescope with a mirror of 15-30 cm in diameter, depending on atmospherical conditions and light pollution.
On the one hand, calm and atmospherical compositions ("Diastimoploia" and "Hathika") and on the other hand, explosive dancing rhythms and electronic sounds ("Trofi gia ta thiria" and "Tora arhizo kai thymamai").
He first tested it on mice, who surprised him by surviving quite a while entrapped with the air, and then on himself, writing that it was "five or six times better than common air for the purpose of respiration, inflammation, and, I believe, every other use of common atmospherical air".
Vitória is one of the hottest cities in the state of Espírito Santo, due to atmospherical pollution and the large cluster of buildings, in addition to several mountains on the island, which block the south wind, which traditionally occurs on cold days in the state.