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Atmospheric air pressure is lower at a race track higher above sea level.
However, in this case the culture medium has to be adjusted to atmospheric air.
Inergen has almost the same density as normal atmospheric air.
At the lower end of the plant atmospheric air is inserted into the water by an ejector.
Two large tanks of atmospheric air which are used as standards are also attached.
Climatic conditions are characterized by the general movement of atmospheric air masses from west to east.
It is a rare local stone which gets stronger and durable with exposure at atmospheric air.
Normal atmospheric air contains approximately 21% oxygen when inhaled in.
Atmospheric air would, in fact, still be heated as it crossed the bow shock wave.
Fresh atmospheric air flows through a compressor that brings it to higher pressure.
His name is a pun on the unit of atmospheric air pressure "millibar".
Some companies produce high-efficiency systems for oxygen production from atmospheric air with the help of membrane technology.
It uses atmospheric air compressed to 200 Bar.
Then the medium must equilibrate over night on a thermo plate at 37 C under atmospheric air.
These systems designated for indoor operation are set to effectively produce gaseous oxygen from atmospheric air.
Water beetles rise to the water surface and take atmospheric air into their tracheal systems.
But if atmospheric air is returned to its "pre-industrial carbon condition", then surely that is better.
A blowtorch, a simple heating torch, which burns fuel with ambient atmospheric air.
Atmospheric air is burned so that it contains less than 5% oxygen, thereby creating "inert gas".
Atmospheric air plasma & argon plasma will work for this application.
The discs contact the wastewater with the atmospheric air for oxidation as it rotates.
It now required long and excessive labor to condense within the chamber sufficient atmospheric air for the sustenance of life.
The system must be carefully sealed to prevent in-leakage of atmospheric air that can degrade or shut down operation.
Instantly, air had burst outward, compressing the excessively atmospheric air of the room.
However, a much better solution is the performance of perfusion culture experiments under atmospheric air on a laboratory table, since it facilitates the complete handling.