Air pressure from the outside has little effect on the water.
On a mountain top the air pressure is a little lower.
The room behind it seemed to have a low air pressure.
A change of air pressure told them that a great door had opened.
Down here at the bottom it is higher than the air pressure.
Not only that, but they would have to do something about the loss of air pressure within the station.
One group read temperature first and the other air pressure.
They also keep air pressure in the ears at the right level.
For the most part, these changes in air pressure are extremely small.
There was a sudden change in air pressure around her.
"How do you get by with the high atmospheric pressure?"
You can see that atmospheric pressure is the much stronger force.
Their atmospheric pressure is at least five percent lower than yours.
The entire process is done in atmospheric pressure and can use temperatures of up to 500C.
If they were, their readings would change with atmospheric pressure.
The atmospheric pressure at the planet's surface is 92 times that of Earth's.
Never thought of the effect our atmospheric pressure would have on you two.
As a result, the higher atmospheric pressure on the outside of the can crushed it.
This is the free volume of the gas at atmospheric pressure.
Finally, we won't need anything like full atmospheric pressure for this to work.