Making the Switch Recently, managers of several small funds that have made the switch to no-load status have seen their assets soar.
As they added homes, cars, refrigerators and other goods in the postwar boom, those assets soared to 37 percent of the total in 1955.
By the end of last year, assets in funds of funds had soared to $359 billion, from $84 billion just four years earlier.
Despite some criticism of its earnings growth, Goldome's assets have soared since 1981 from $3 billion.
The bank's assets have soared tenfold in the last decade to $143 billion, making it the 26th-largest bank in the world.
But assets soared $5.6 billion, to $89.1 billion in the latest week, reflecting both seasonal inflows and the shifting of money out of the stock market.
Proof of growing confidence: his fund's assets have soared from $150 million on Jan. 1 to $450 million.
Yields of tax-exempt funds declined for the week ended yesterday as their assets soared by $1 billion, to $76.3 billion.
The assets held in variable annuities have soared from less than $10 billion in 1989 to more than $500 billion today.
Its assets soared to $1.3 billion at the end of February; at yearend 1989, they were $76.2 million.