Here I paused, to ascertain beyond a doubt whether he really knew of whom I thought.
Scait already knew that no force possessed by the compart was capable of destroying it; memories-of-ancestors ascertained this fact beyond doubt.
He found he'd suddenly acquired a personal chef and regular visits from Miss L. to ascertain any needs beyond food and sleep.
Another time an inundation took place in consequence of the stanchions of a water-tank giving way; and Mr. Starr ascertained beyond a doubt that these supports had first of all been partially sawn through.
"We can't even ascertain beyond a reasonable doubt what kind of vehicle or vehicles was or were involved," said Cameron, his voice taking on that official, strained-syntax, preliterate lilt that cops used when speaking in their official capacity.
There was the greater necessity of ascertaining the point in question beyond a doubt, as the phosphorus remaining would be altogether insufficient for a third attempt, should I fail in the one I was now about to make.
He determined, nevertheless, to force a passage, if possible, to the box, and at least ascertain beyond a doubt the truth of his surmises.
Some empirical studies have tried to ascertain the benefits of a minimum wage beyond employment effects.
Telescopes were brought, and it was very soon ascertained, beyond a question, that the new luminary was not the well-known Phoebe of terrestrial nights; it had no feature in common with the moon.
We will ascertain beyond a doubt the validity of the affidavits in regard to his whereabouts on the Sunday.