Now I've found the cause of the trouble, applied the most modern treatment and the animal has recovered.
Both animals are recovering and have been moved to stables nearby.
Many animals have since recovered and been found new homes by an animal welfare workers, some of whom were in court to listen to the evidence.
The animals have been recovering at a wildlife sanctuary, and are now well enough to be moved into a purpose built set.
The animals had been recovering at a wildlife sanctuary, and were ready to go back into the wild.
Without treatment, the animal will generally recover from the infection in 4 to 6 weeks.
Most animals gradually recover although complete return to normality may take weeks or months.
Not all the animals recover enough to be returned to the wild.
Their reproduction rates, lower than that of most fish, makes these animals especially slow to recover from overfishing.
What is more, healthy animals can recover from foot-and-mouth disease.