There is a light source at one end and the other end is cut into an angled surface, where subjects place their fingertip.
Handscrews can even be adjusted to grip some angled surfaces.
Handscrews can even be adjusted to grip some angled surfaces, like wedge-shaped table legs.
Mark out the details of the angled surfaces with a knife and gauge, taking great care.
One popular technique is to have alternating angled surfaces through the stack of baffles.
The disadvantage is that you may have to walk or run on an angled surface.
It fell heavily between the two men's feet, bounced from the angled, tilted surface of the top shelf, and crashed down to the floor below.
This kit will also work on an angled surface.
X-rays will reflect if they hit a slightly angled surface, bouncing off like a stone skipping across a pond.
An angled surface also increases the chance of deflecting a projectile.