Her grip increased as the old anger surfaced.
Some anger has surfaced in the current budget committee hearings, where administration officials are presenting their plans, department by department.
For a moment his anger surfaced.
That anger surfaced once when I was with Christine, producing a bad germ of an idea.
"Life is too short for you two to pretend you don't care for each other," Richard said, his anger surfacing.
Vaughn's anger at the Russians, at the way they'd been dragging their feet earlier, surfaced again.
Instead, the anger lurking always in Asharti's heart had surfaced.
When anger surfaced, it was on one topic only: the Serbian nationalists who have imposed the hardships.
Recently, as she worked on one of her unfinished equestrian etchings, the artist's soft-spoken anger surfaced.
He was gazing at her unblinkingly, his eyes darkened by desire, but she sensed that the old anger was surfacing again.