If the puzzle could be solved within the allotted period of time, the player would be awarded a bonus life.
Throughout the entire process, competitions with a predetermined subject and a specific allotted period of time measured each students' progress.
Because of your attempts, Zemba has shortened the allotted period.
Failure to appear within the allotted period of time is a separate crime of failure to appear.
If the recipient of the offer does not respond in the allotted period of time, the offer is assumed to have been accepted.
Only the television version worries about "going over" its allotted period.
This meant that the planned attack had to be launched within the allotted period or else it would be cancelled.
As this request did not reach us within the allotted period, the vote will therefore take place immediately after the debate, in accordance with the provisions of our Rules of Procedure.
The trained teachers were instructed to read assigned storybooks to their classrooms for the allotted period of time.
Towns that were visited often kept the image way beyond the allotted period, which slowed down the itinerary.