Ransom moved between the lines of tanks toward the service door beyond the alligator pit, then paused as his eyes cleared in the darkness.
When you fall into that alligator pit like I did this year, you get chewed up by a lot of people.
The next morning, Sulin and Terry are intended to become the latest victims of the alligator pit.
Scott ties Yuri to a jeep and drags him to the alligator pit.
Scott finds a machine gun and blasts the alligator pit.
Except that you dragged him out of an alligator pit.
And I'd hate to see a friend caught in the alligator pit.
In this neighbourhood, every building came complete with an alligator pit.
It turns out the island is one big alligator pit and while they luckily escape.
It was a game of being quick enough to step back from the edge before she fell into the alligator pit.