It would be an interesting challenge to try to decode alien transmissions if that was the goal.
Stranger's shamanistic skills become prized by his employer to assist in a race against rival companies to decode an alien transmission containing blueprints for a faster-than-light space drive.
No alien transmissions have been found.
Quickly changing the subject, she asked, "Has there been any further progress on the alien transmission?"
Watching alien transmissions tend to calm him down.
In 1961, the BBC produced A for Andromeda about a supercomputer artificial intelligence created from instructions received from an alien transmission.
"It's much "ore likely a malfunction, bits of code tripping over each other, than it is some alien transmission.
But she would bet real money that it had something to do with the alien transmission.
"I have isolated the alien transmission," Daphne's voice sounded clearly over the speaker.
Tukwila appeared just as energized as Paris and Kim by the discovery of the alien transmission.