She wasn't sure she'd be able to handle the sound of metal bolts rolling on a hard tabletop, roll after roll.
Like a photographer who shoots roll after roll of pictures, Pillsbury is looking for that one good idea that will help it determine its own fate.
Lifting roll after roll, Senator Lee B. Laskin elaborated on the price each would be if the sales tax increase were enacted.
A phalanx of photographers fired roll after roll of film at the seven astronauts, calling out to them by name to look this way and that.
A camera panned across the crowd near the floor for reaction shots after a particularly beautiful pick and roll.
Gunter had followed them in a punt boat through the freshwater marsh, taking roll after roll of pictures, as Ukiah tracked a lost little girl.
He wandered the hills for an hour, ran through roll after roll of film.
Roll after roll, he played like a genius; played like Jack had never seen him play before.
Thunder exploded, roll after roll after roll, so that there seemed to be no gap between but only an incessant bombardment.
But not after rock and roll.