Nine months later Victoria Climbie died after systematic cruelty and abuse although she had been on the council's at risk register.
After continued abuse, a neighbor intervened with the town selectmen on behalf of the children.
But after the years of marital strife and physical abuse detailed in "I, Tina," she walked out on her marriage and the band.
One can see how even crazy fears of government power could resonate after such gross abuse of force.
Following the British defeat, and after enduring prolonged abuse, Davis and his family were forced to leave their home.
Both were found to have died after abuse or neglect.
The possibility of HIV infection after sexual abuse is yet another traumatic and complex problem for child protection staff.
Maybe it would be better to stop at the comma, after "physical and psychological abuse and all kinds of discrimination" .
And like a magician he's conjured up the spirit to keep going after horrific abuse.
Threat to runaway boy Link who becomes homeless after abuse at home and is prey to a street killer.