On the plus side, Autodesk stock, after a brief wild swing from $50.25 to $46.75, has stabilized, closing yesterday at $50.50, up 25 cents.
At the 2010 election Mitchell's majority was again reduced to three figures after a swing of over 10% to the Conservatives.
"From the shoulders down, everything's all right," said Reed, who had tears in his eyes after a painful swing in the second inning.
But the light he had carried, after a swing out of sight, swiftly dropped again to guide her from that worm's path into again a larger space.
"He had a habit of dropping his club head after a swing," said Smrgol.
The dollar rose again yesterday after a two-week swing that first sent it tumbling from recent highs and then saw it rebound this week.
But, after a swing through the spirits of France, that's not quite as easy as it sounds.
While he did not win, he achieved Labor's best result ever in Ryan at a general election: a vote of 46.2% after a swing of 6.6%.
Even after such a swing in momentum, the Lions still had the ball at their one-yard line.
Currently the exchange members are opeating under a trial rule, under which the ban takes effect only after a 75-point swing in the Dow average.