It was admittedly weak; a quarter of Earth normal - but a fall from his present height would still be adequately fatal, with or without the suit to protect him.
Xar dismissed her admittedly weak arguments.
A week later, however, he won the AT&T at Pebble Beach (against an admittedly weak field).
K is admittedly weak, and could faint quickly in a direct fight.
After a few moments of impotence, when his fingers refused to obey the admittedly weak orders coming from his brain, Grant regained hold of himself.
Despite usually being an admittedly weak putter, Laoretti also resisted any negative words about Saucon Valley's slick greens.
At first, Sisko was unconcerned, but as the seconds passed, he began to think he might have overplayed his admittedly weak hand.
Last year's seven victories, though accomplished against admittedly weak opponents, were the most by a Blue Devil squad since 1962.
My hagiography is admittedly weak, but am I missing some Christmas-friendly saint of the period?
Archeological evidence points to the Sasanid era, around the third or fourth century AD, a period of admittedly weak Persian rule.