The Council is very good at adding amendments to legislation without actually working out how much they are going to cost.
He added an amendment yesterday: "Everything has happened so fast.
When the full committee received the bill, it added several amendments and reported it to the House for floor action.
But even if it comes to a vote, Republicans could add an amendment to the bill that removes the repeal.
In 2004, she persuaded legislators to add an amendment that defined marriage as being between a man and a woman.
Congress then votes on the agreement without having the chance to add amendments that suit the needs and wishes of individual members.
The Senate added amendments to the bill and passed it on March 5, 1802.
We're looking at adding an amendment to the code regarding signs.
Add a constitutional amendment so that being born in America is not an automatic ticket to citizenship.
Committee members added numerous amendments today to regulate managed care plans and to protect consumers.