Fortunately, the amendment, sponsored by Senator John Kerry, was defeated, 54 to 43.
The next vote will be on an amendment sponsored by Charles Stenholm of Texas, which makes no such exemption.
The news conference was broadcast live, just after China's Parliament approved a host of reports and constitutional amendments sponsored by the Communist Party.
In 1949, a constitutional amendment sponsored by the government introduced a number of workers' rights and the possibility of presidential reelection.
An amendment sponsored by Representative Georgette Valle earmarks $150,000 for diaper recycling programs.
A series of amendments sponsored by Baroness Jane Campbell has been withdrawn.
The Club's first key vote alert was actually an amendment sponsored by a Democrat.
Before adopting the plan, the House rejected an amendment sponsored by the Democratic leadership to provide $15 billion.
No amendment sponsored by a Democrat had yet been defeated.
Shortly before adopting the plan on a vote of 402 to 6, the House rejected an amendment sponsored by the Democratic leadership that would have provided $15 billion.