The acquisition will raise First Chicago's consumer deposit base to more than $6 billion.
The acquisitions raise questions about whether these companies can or will remain on the Island and be competitive in their industries.
It said the acquisition increased First Nationwide's asset base to about $19 billion and raised its retail branch network to more than 370.
The acquisition will raise the company's debt-to-equity ratio to 55 percent from the 35 percent now.
That step, known as a "second request" for information, would suggest that the proposed acquisition raises more serious antitrust issues.
The acquisition raised Merrill Lynch's assets to $450 billion.
But the acquisitions have also raised Raytheon's debt by about $7 billion, to an estimated $10 billion.
Later acquisitions, as well as consolidations with other companies, raised the number to 23 in 1920, its final year of independent operation.
The acquisition would raise Einstein's network to more than 100 bagel stores in 10 states.
The purchases could even result in the opposite - assertions by lawmakers that such aggressive acquisitions raise national security concerns.