The decision has raised accusations of censorship, though some people have supported it.
Federal prosecutors are said to be looking at the breadth of the accusations raised against Coke in recent lawsuits.
And it is raising ugly accusations of racism, from both inside and outside the tribe.
Democrats raised accusations of nepotism; she countered that her opponent was too liberal for the state.
The war raised accusations of corruption, with officials alleged to be plundering the Congo's mineral reserves.
Certain classes of women, such as prostitutes, were banned from raising accusations of rape altogether.
On women's issues, critics said she was insensitive to accusations of sexism and harassment raised by female scientists against their superiors at the health institutes.
Instead of raising accusations, the United States should adopt cooperation with Iran.
The new party quickly took control of Congress, leaving the opposition in disarray and raising accusations that the nation was returning to Marcos-style power politics.
Schmidt's articles and comments on the blog have presented scientific defense against accusations raised in controversies over the hockey stick graph.