They shared a willingness to upset the academic and social conventions of Makerere.
In their attempts to break from academic conventions they sought new paths for art, as the first few rooms of the exhibition show.
Dr. Hall, who is white, has never hesitated to buck academic or social conventions.
Soon after, he became dissatified with the academic conventions of the Paris schools and left them to study on his own.
By the late 1920s, the Vanguardia artists had rejected the academic conventions of Cuba's national art academy.
At their weakest, abstract painting and serial music developed academic conventions.
Become familiar with the academic conventions for citing books and other readings, e.g.:
Respect the academic conventions when citing authors and titles.
So she does not feel the need to make these 'academic' conventions explicit.
For all his swipes at academic convention, he maintains an almost desperate attachment to conventional wisdom.