In 1999, a documentary film series titled States of Fear which detailed abuse suffered by Irish children between the 1930s and 1970s in the state childcare system, primarily in the Reformatory and Industrial Schools.
An interview with Hillary Clinton in its very first issue caused an immediate political sensation when she claimed that the abuse her husband suffered as a child led to his adult philandering.
It will all happen again: the inability to articulate, the abuse suffered and inflicted, the murder and the suicide.
Discussing the reasons behind the attempted rape, 68% thought Jake craved control, while 30% put his actions down to mental instability and 1% blamed abuse suffered when he was young.
Talk started with a bang with its September 1999 issue, featuring an interview in which Hillary Clinton said that the abuse her husband suffered as a child had led to chronic infidelity.
It ruled that the courts at the time of the alleged abuses had not yet clearly established prohibitions against the torture and religious abuses suffered by the detainees.
The Zurich prosecutor confirmed that she lied about the abuse suffered, and about being pregnant.
But it is brought to an abrupt end when he is humiliated at a village cricket match, suffers racial abuse, assaults a peer of the realm and is arrested for a terrible crime.
In 1999, then Member of Provincial Parliament, Jim Flaherty apologized in the House of Commons, on behalf of the Ontario government, to the Grandview Survivors Support Group for the abuses suffered.
First, people accused of child sexual abuse suffer damage to their reputation requires protection of their constitutional rights from preliminary investigation throughout trial.