"Nonresponses to other census surveys went up in a striking way during the Watergate period and in the late 1970's and early 1980's."
Had it not been for the tapes, most authorities on the Watergate period say, Mr. Nixon almost certainly would have finished his term.
Later, during the Watergate period, President Richard M. Nixon ordered the N.S.A. to turn its giant ear inward and begin eavesdropping on thousands of Americans, like Vietnam War protesters.
An important case from the Watergate period bears on whether the official's argument would be accepted.
In the Watergate period and its aftermath, as attention focused on the apparent power of the media, the debate over curbing communications conglomerates became even more heated.
Later, Bellino would become the target of George Bush's most revealing public action during the Watergate period.
Another was Bob Woodward, one of Bradlee's star reporters in the Watergate period and now an assistant managing editor at The Post.
As a member of the Judiciary Committee during the tumult of the Watergate period, he participated in the investigation that led to the downfall of then-President Richard Nixon.
Even if Mr. Chiles's success spurs Washington to action on campaign finance, there is a slim chance that it will do much to revamp a system that has changed little since the Watergate period.
Yes, the choice would be hers and some might question it - but not if she chose a legal figure of national reputation, like Archibald Cox and Leon Jaworski in the Watergate period, before the statute was enacted.