But a spokeswoman for the Washington Convention and Visitors Association says it doesn't expect to start getting details from businesses or government until at least December.
The Washington Convention 1965 relates to settlement of investment disputes between nation states and citizens of other countries.
The Presidential inaugural events over those four days is expected to bring in some 45,000 visitors, according to the Washington Convention and Visitors Association.
The Washington Convention of 1965 (governing settlement of international investment disputes)
The biathlon venue was adjusted in accordance with the Washington Convention over endangered species.
The Washington Convention may refer to:
A spokeswoman for the Washington Convention and Tourism Corporation, Victoria Isley, was more upbeat than the politicians.
The stadium and its grounds are owned by the Washington Convention and Sports Authority.
In 1970 he was given a Testimonial by the Washington Convention and Visitors Bureau for his 25 years of service to the community.
But the Washington Convention and Visitors Association reported that tourism shows no sign of falling off.