He proposed an encoding scheme for the 'Phags-pa script, which was subsequently included in Unicode version 5.0.
Nonetheless, some limited interoperability issues remain, such as normalization (equivalence), or the Unicode version in use.
According to the Unicode standard version 3.0, these characters are called Hangzhou style numerals.
In 2009 a Unicode version was made available beginning with the New Testament.
In the Unicode standard version 3.0, these characters are incorrectly named Hangzhou style numerals.
The script is included in Unicode version 6.1.0.
This immutability has been guaranteed since Unicode version 2.0 by the Name Stability policy.
It first appeared in Unicode version 1.1.0 in June 1993.
At the beginning Unicode versions of the books were published.
Mutt can't remember the name of the Unicode version of the strcpy function.