A digital-only edition is available on Amazon's US site.
Over the whole year, the level of spending on US sites was up 20% - and all this in the middle of an economic slowdown.
Also has the dubious honor of being the DS's "first flat-chested character", according to the US official site.
Being a US site about a UK building, I could see those numbers being supplied quite easily.
As a Prime member you can also watch a lot of instant videos for free, at least on the US site (.com).
Just as many books are cheaper on the UK site, primarily because the US site uses agency pricing.
US site scoops nine awards including four for comedian's interview series, as Guardian wins two for online video.
The merger was complete in November 2006, and technology transfer to a US site was completed during 2007 and 2008.
He found a funding source (an unknown benefactor) and started attacking US sites.
Recently Firebox.com launched a US site and has set up a US based distribution center.