An article in Sunday Styles on April 9 discussed the evolving fashion symbolism of blond hair.
The article on social climbing in Manhattan's private schools was Sunday Styles at its best.
But first tell me why an otherwise thoughtful article on prospects for a woman for President was in Sunday Styles at all.
Trip Gabriel, editor of Sunday Styles, where the column runs, said you are not alone in wondering what happened to it.
Sunday Styles asked four people who know something about style to give the Vans Web site a try, exposing some trouble spots.
Sunday Styles has about 44 columns.
To Sunday Styles: Two weeks ago during a lunch break at our construction site, the question came up, Who invented the little black dress?
The main article in Sunday Styles this week reported that business lunches had grown fewer and smaller in the economic squeeze since 9/11.
In early 2011, the Invitational returned to the Post's Sunday Style.