As important, he had never served in a Milosevic government or - unlike other leaders of the Serbian opposition - even talked with him.
Of course, the Serbian opposition spent months working up to that.
The Serbian opposition understood this, and the critical detachment occurred in the last two weeks.
Moreover, the Serbian opposition is hopelessly divided and cannot be counted on to offer any serious challenge.
The move was criticized by many of its journalists and editors along with the Serbian opposition.
The mayor of one of the towns which has benefited wrote last week to his colleagues in the Serbian opposition making that point.
Is a meeting planned, and are there concrete measures to support the Serbian democratic opposition?
There was much to see that was encouraging, such as the Serbian opposition, which has got off to an auspicious start.
He reckons - probably accurately - that "65 percent of what was the Serbian opposition is us."
I no longer count on the Serbian opposition.