But the September 23 date clashed with the championship programme.
The Church of England has also adopted the 29 September date, known as Michaelmas.
The first edition, which appeared in 1932, placed great stress on the September 16, 1936 date.
The race was moved up from its former September date, and held just months before the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona.
The Florida Aquarium in Tampa has been offering regular family overnights; the September date is pending.
By November 1997 a September 1998 date was planned.
There have been seven home sellouts, but tickets are available for the 14 September dates.
A September primary date has not been set.
We've made our schedule known to FIFA and are looking towards a September date.
"Oh, I hope I have not broken a story," she said with a smile after mentioning the September date.