She was active on the Parisian social scene, being known as "one of the richest and most accomplished widows in France".
They worked their way up in the Parisian scene.
The other woman was the estranged wife of a pop singer, the sulky expression, slightly skew eyes and bee-stung lips a landmark on the Parisian social scene.
Note: Peter Lombard was a prominent Scholastic in the Parisian scene in the late 12th century.
Before long, she had made her mark as an epic-scale painter of the Parisian scene.
Certainly the Parisian cultural scene this fall suggests they do.
Growing tired of the Parisian musical scene, Gershwin returned to the United States.
Another figure unhappy with the Parisian operatic scene in the mid-nineteenth century was Jacques Offenbach.
"Journey," published in 1932, burst like a bombshell on the Parisian literary scene, garnering huge sales and almost winning the Prix Goncourt.
The moralistic, Biblical subject matter was not an anomaly; such subjects were popular in the Parisian ballet scene in the late 1920s.