Opposition to the proposals has centred on plans to sell ITV franchises to the highest bidder, and the reduction in programme obligations for commercial TV.
Opposition centred round the possibility of emissions from the incinerator, which add to the local concerns about existing industrial risks in lower Belvedere.
Opposition to the nomination has centered upon judicial restraint and attitude toward sexual offenders.
Opposition centered on the glass prisms.
Opposition to increased environmental regulation such as carbon taxes often centres on concerns that firms might relocate and/or people might lose their jobs.
Opposition to Ieyasu centered around Ishida Mitsunari, a powerful daimyo but not one of the regents.
Opposition to the bill centered on its impact on small business and the state's economy.
Opposition cut across party lines and centered on contentions that membership would violate the permanent neutrality, stipulated in Austria's Constitution.
Opposition to mayoral control has centered largely in the teachers' union and its allies in the State Legislature.
Opposition to the proposal centered on concern that it would weaken regulation of public utilities.