Both agreements ended and constituted the basis for the broader Lomé Convention of 1975.
I hope that before the end of this new Lomé Convention we will be able to welcome Cuba as a full member.
However, the old Lomé Convention made democracy, human rights and the rule of law a requirement for development aid.
I welcome the fact that Article 366 of the Lomé Convention has been invoked.
The common theme that stretches all the way back to the first Lomé Convention was trade.
I naturally welcome the reference he just made in his reply to including security within the framework of the Lomé Convention.
But the Lomé Convention has not worked as well as it might.
The Lomé Convention always has been and still is a milestone in this kind of cooperation.
Efforts will be made presently to have this incorporated in a new Lomé Convention.
This protectionism is based upon part of a 20 year old agreement called the Lomé Convention.