However the July 12 date is from a book and most likely a typical error common in most books about families.
The Fourth of July move-in date was missed and soon after the couple decided to withhold the final payment on the job.
Ticket demand for the five July dates exceeded 1.5 million, enough to fill the 72,000 capacity venue 20 times.
The July 25 date was interpreted as an ultimatum to Iraq: cooperate or face new hostilities.
Applications were sent to more than 300 companies and some 800 entries from about 40 states were received by the July 15 cut-off date.
The Pepsi 400 would return to its traditional July date in 1999, and has been held at night every year since the 1998 event.
Lewis took the position May 18, 1997, two months early from the July 6 date Williams was supposed to step-down after a deal.
There is no chance it will be ready by the original July move-in date, but he is not complaining.
The July 15 date, however, was later changed to October 2.
The junior events continue to be held on the July dates.