And the Israeli opposition, sensing that a return to the talks is imminent, is gearing up for battle.
Moreover, it is vicious and misleading to suggest that the Israeli opposition is opposed to peace.
The draft was met with Israeli opposition, and was eventually not adopted.
A13 The Israeli opposition has not found a unified voice on Arab policy.
The Israeli opposition to the proposal, as reflected in the Cabinet statement, is focused on the 13.1 percent.
After meeting with Israeli opposition near Ashdod, he decided to stop and consolidated his positions.
The Israeli left-wing opposition criticized it also at the time, but mainly for its timing relative to elections only three weeks later.
The Israeli opposition in the Knesset blasted the agreement.
However, organizers resisted demands that someone representing the Israeli opposition or critics of the peace negotiations address the rally.
And so Israeli opposition could have proven fatal to the American plan.