In 2010 the 'Institute of Chamber Music' and the 'Institute for Early Music' was founded.
The university also encompasses the Institute of Sciences of the Environment (ISE) and the Institute of Sciences of Earth (ISE).
A second show, Charline von Heyl, was exhibited within the USA at the Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston and the Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia.
Chartered Accountants may also be members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales or the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland.
The Institutes of Sports Science and Sports Medicine as well as the Institute for Mathematics can be found on the Campus Am Neuen Palais.
The Faculty consists of three organisation units: The Institute of Heat Engineering, the Institute of Aeronautics and Applied Mechanics and the Dean's Office.
Paranjpe is a Fellow Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India.
The Institute of Metals and The Institute of Metals North American Publications Centre.
UCL merged with the College of Speech Sciences and the Institute of Ophthalmology in 1995, the School of Podiatry in 1996 and the Institute of Neurology in 1997.
The Institute of Technology was established in 1995, followed by the Institute of Management in 1996, the Institute of Diploma Studies in 1997 and the Institute of Pharmacy in 2003.