The French opposition, however, is more of a puzzle.
But in a nod to known Russian, French and British opposition to the idea, the statement referred to such a step as "a last resort."
Though some landings went to the wrong beaches, this was immaterial because of the extremely low level of French opposition.
Sarkozy will lose the next election and the French opposition have already proclaimed it dead in the water.
In 1931 plans for a customs union between Germany and Austria were shattered by French opposition.
A magazine poll a year ago found that French opposition to Turkey's entry had risen to 72 percent, from 58 percent two years earlier.
Freed from any serious French opposition, Spain saw the apogee of its might and territorial reach in the period 1559-1643.
American diplomats acknowledge that with French opposition leading the way, they currently lack a majority in the Security Council to win a vote supporting war.
Only a year or so ago many of the former eastern countries signed a letter protesting French and German opposition on Iraq.
This came after years of French opposition, and despite British and Danish doubts.