"That was a bit before your time," the Emperor told him.
The former Emperor, long known for his high living, told a recent visitor that he had renounced alcohol and sexual relations for several years.
The Emperor fined the offender and told them if they did it again they'd find themselves running with the troshae.
The Emperor told me that she was still alive.
I felt the Emperor was telling me: 'My prime minister does not understand military matters.
It is then that the Emperor hears them and tells them to come in front of him.
The Emperor had told them they could never return, but that had not quite penetrated the deeper levels of his belief.
"In this business, you can't trust nobody," the Emperor told me much later.
But instead he got the Emperor himself telling his bemused children for the umpteenth time that the old order had no clothes.
Say what you want," the Emperor told Alypia, "about how things were a hundred years ago.