Subject again to any objection by the state of destination, the Convention recognises a mode of service from official to official.
The Convention recognizes that a child's participation in decision making must occur in a manner that is appropriate to the child's age and maturity.
Once the Convention had recognised a de jure sovereign it could then convert itself into a Parliament.
The Convention also recognises that parties may have varying interests in the operation of a treaty or treaty provision.
In 1875, the Convention formally recognized women's organizations.
The Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims 1976 recognized the defects of the 1957 Conventions.
The Convention recognises that any State has the right to ban imports into its territory of foreign spent fuel and radioactive waste.
It is important that the Council and the Convention recognise that they have to take this political decision.
We also believe that the Convention must recognise the very important role played by public services, notably public service broadcasters, in efforts to safeguard, support and develop cultural diversity.
The Convention recognizes domestic workers as workers with the same rights as other workers.