He was also learned in the Confucian classics and in astrology.
He also studied the Confucian classics, and was said to be literarily talented.
As he considered himself learned in the Confucian classics as well and was capable of writing.
Therefore, from an early age he was sent by his family to study the Confucian classics in order to pass the Chinese civil service exams.
These were a total of nine years long, and focused on the Confucian classics.
Its curriculum focused on the Confucian classics for local officials.
As he grew in age, he studied the Confucian classics and histories.
The Confucian classics have been engraved on stone tablets several times.
Civil service examinations on the Confucian classics were introduced in 958.
Upon passing such exams several times, which tested one's knowledge of the Confucian classics and history, a person was usually assigned to a government post.