The staircases date from the late 17th or 18th century; that in number 67 has latticework in the Chinese Chippendale style.
Other rooms displayed Queen Anne and Chippendale styles.
Chairs in the Chippendale style surround large round tables in the dining room, with its sweeping views of the sea.
The new high for mirrors reached $611,523 with the sale of an 18th-century pair in the Chippendale style at Christie's in London.
"He was a slave owner and richer than her parents, and they would have been buying furniture at that time, when the Chippendale style was popular."
About 60 to 75 percent of the museum's American furniture in the Queen Anne and Chippendale styles have the original surfaces.
The Chippendale style was named after the cabinet maker Thomas Chippendale.
Thus, its furniture makers were kept busy crafting pieces such as this, adapting the Chippendale styles demanded by cosmopolitan customers to American tastes and materials.
It seems likely that this served as the inspiration for the public bridge several decades later - its white timbers are also in the Chinese Chippendale style.
Two of the main rooms are paneled in local cedar, and the staircase is in the Chinese Chippendale style.