Leaders of the Burmese opposition, who have called a nationwide general strike for Thursday, vowed to bring hundreds of thousands of demonstrators into the streets to protest repressive one-party rule.
As mass demonstrations and attempts at political consolidation by the Burmese opposition reportedly continued today, a struggle was under way for the allegiance of the armed forces, the nation's most powerful institution.
A7 At least 80 members of the Burmese opposition were arrested.
For the Burmese opposition, these are the darkest years.
Is there a possibility that some of the factions of the Burmese opposition could turn to extremism?
Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the Burmese opposition, also stated that holding a vote for the referendum during this disaster would be a consummately unacceptable act.
Members of the Burmese opposition have declared a rival government and denounced the country's military rulers for failing to hand over power to the opposition, which won free elections seven months ago.
It was with great satisfaction that I received the news concerning the release from house arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the Burmese opposition.
Yet that is not preventing the Burmese opposition from gathering in thousands outside the barred gates of the building where Mrs Suu Kyi lives under house arrest.
There is widespread mistrust of the ruling party in the Burmese opposition, and an expectation that it would try to manipulate a vote to insure its continued dominance.