But the city's real estate boom has at last caught up with Alan Boss, who opened the markets in 1976.
The flea market's creator, Alan Boss, said he began thinking about the west side of Midtown in the late 1990's.
According to Alan Boss, who manages the dollar market on 25th Street, the owners of that property plan to develop the land, perhaps in the fall.
Alan Boss, a theorist at the Carnegie Institution who was not involved in the work, said: "This is a field where observers are leading the way.
This difference in approach may be the reason for the disagreement, according to Alan Boss.
Annex, headed by Alan Boss, is known for the flea market it runs at 25th Street and Avenue of the Americas.
Alan Boss, who operated a market in Brooklyn, was living in a loft near 24th Street.
More than 300 vendors take over a handful of lots between 24th and 27th Streets, said Alan Boss, who manages the flea market.
"It has gone to the point where we've gained acceptance with the D.O.T.," said Alan Boss, the annex president.
"We had the space and I think we had more than enough antiques," said Alan Boss, who has run the antiques market since 1976.