Among many other uses, Academy also served as the Glastonbury High School from 1923-1952.
Founded in 1970, the Academy serves as a means to ensure its members are kept up to date with current medical practices in sport medicine.
The Academy, a private organization that was founded in 1863, serves two primary functions.
Established in 1965, the Academy serves as the profession's voice on public policy and professionalism issues.
At its full strength the Academy will directly serve 14,000 students a year, said Sharon Dunn, the school system's senior manager for arts education.
The Academy serves 36 students in grades 9-12, and offers Regents-level courses.
The Academy also serves the local inhabitants as the first responder in any major or minor rescue and relief work.
As of the 2009-2010 school year, the Academy serves approximately 1,000 students in Grades PreK-8.
The Academy serves students from across all districts in Portage County.
The Academy also serves as a camp and conference center, and holds four-week summer programs for boys and girls.