Mexicana - A wide variety of traditional folk music from Mexico, featuring styles such as Ranchera, Banda and Mariachi.
VIOLENCE A wide variety of murders are depicted, but not a drop of blood is spilled on screen.
Best management practice A variety of ways to control knotweed (under "knotweed")(USA) - A wide variety of personal finance resources.
-A wide variety of games can be found at casinos, and some casinos seem to specialize in inventing new games to draw more players.
MyEnvironment: A wide variety of environmental information by location and maps.
Rocky Point Preserve: A great variety of seals, sea lions, walruses and otters can be seen at this exhibit.
Dry Mesa Quarry, Colorado: A wide variety of fauna, as well as the most diverse set of dinosaurs from any Morrison Formation quarry.
Santa Claus Post Office: A large variety of Christmas related items, Christmas cards and CDs are sold in the post office.
Boats to Rent - A wide variety of yachts, catamarans and other vessels is available to rent.