The job of measuring falls to zoo employees.
When there is snow from a previous storm on the ground, a zoo employee puts a board about a yard square on top of it.
But on Wednesday afternoon, the 9-year-old buck attacked a zoo employee as she walked through the pen and gouged her with his antlers.
Much of the research on these topics is extrapolated from studies on laboratory workers, however there are a few specific studies for zoo employees.
Another potential hazard for zoo employees is for those who work with poisonous animals.
As for the pupae that have not yet hatched, zoo employees will carry them, in their emergence boxes, to the Asian rain forest.
Supposedly it took the aid of a zoo employee to distract the animal long enough for the artist to get his best side.
The series is candid about the zoo employees' behavior and opinions.
Her complaints were backed by two former zoo employees: a chief veterinarian and an animal nutritionist.
He may even have gotten married on the zoo grounds - to another zoo employee.