It is the longest-running unresolved zoning dispute since the town adopted zoning laws in 1946.
At first glance, the situation looks like a simple zoning dispute.
An article last Sunday described a zoning dispute over 11 acres of pasture in the town of New Castle.
In September 1993, Olympus America abandoned those plans because of local opposition and a zoning dispute that went to court.
In the next few months, however, the nondescript four-story garage at 506 East 76th Street may become the focus of a complex zoning dispute.
After a bitter zoning dispute, Ms. Rowland withdrew her offer.
That plan is on hold pending the resolution of a zoning dispute.
Ordinarily, a local zoning dispute would hardly seem likely to attract the attention of the authorities in Washington.
After a zoning dispute, the museum moved to Las Vegas.
Soon after opening in late 1995, the 35,000-square-foot Harlem store became embroiled in a zoning dispute.