Unless you'd prefer zombie banks, artificially propped-up asset prices and debt slavery for the masses.
Yalman Onaranof of Salon stated that the zombie banks were one of the reasons for the following stagnation.
One solution would have been to put the zombie banks into receivership.
I agree with the article, the zombie banks need to be bypassed.
The phrase "zombie banks" creeps to mind, in fact.
What is absolutely not acceptable, however, is the decision of Governments to spend tens, even hundreds, of billions in money they don't have to prop up zombie banks.
Barclays Capital in a note last month said many European lenders had effectively become "zombie banks" due to their reliance on central bank loans.
"The longer we live with zombie banks, the harder it will be to end the economic crisis."
The longer the silent run goes on, the more benefits are transferred from healthy banks and taxpayers to the zombie banks.
Portugal is moving in this same direction, toward being a land inhabited by zombie banks.