The town grew rapidly as a railroad hub, becoming a leader in zinc mining, glass and brick production.
The 1935 boom was built primarily around zinc mining.
During World War II, Neihart was a major source of zinc mining.
Her father is the chairman and chief executive of Horsehead Industries, a New York company that owns zinc mining and manufacturing companies.
Indium exists mostly in low concentration ore deposits and is therefore obtained mainly as a byproduct of zinc mining.
As lead mining declined in Mineral Point, zinc mining and smelting became important new industries.
Mining had been and remains a major industry; however, inadequate management and regulation of zinc mining has resulted in wide-spread cadmium poisoning.
The economy of Ancash, the third largest in Peru, is largely made up of gold, copper and zinc mining.
Göhltalmuseum, a local museum that shows the history of Neutral Moresnet and its zinc mining (in German)
And the income earned by Mr. Gore on land he leases for zinc mining has raised eyebrows.