After 1521 he was a zealous opponent of Luther and died a firm adherent of the Roman Catholic faith.
He was a zealous opponent of paganism and Arianism.
As the Tractarian movement in the Church of England developed, he became one of its most zealous opponents and the most conspicuous leader of the evangelical party.
He is known as a zealous opponent of iconoclasm, one of several conflicts that set him at odds with both emperor and patriarch.
She was an intimate friend of William Ellery Channing, and a zealous opponent of slavery.
It may also be that even the most zealous opponents of the president and his policies don't want to be preached at when they go to the movies.
And Jules Janin, who during the Thirties was a zealous opponent of Balzac, cast his weight of evidence in favour of the Review.
In Abington, he was one of the earliest and most zealous opponents of slavery.
Dr. Falinski's champions say they believe the charges against her were trumped up by zealous opponents who disliked her nontraditional "whole language" approach to reading.
Like my zealous opponents, you will probably not have read "The Satanic Verses."