The zealous followers of Dosage, an extremely popular system of pedigree analysis, say they have picked the last 58 Kentucky Derby winners.
What zealous followers of the franchise now want to know is whether Grunfeld can display this same effectiveness behind his desk at Madison Square Garden.
Yes, a dedicated band of zealous followers can make a big difference; but it's a difference that Americans have come to like.
From them all zealous and unscrupulous followers of a political chief are called by that name, down to this day.
They will have an even more difficult time convincing their more zealous followers that violence is not the proper conclusion to the premises of their own arguments.
As a vocal supporter and zealous follower of orders from Russian Empire and Empress Catherine the Great he was one of the opponents of the Constitution of May 3.
Immediately on their arrival, the priests and sorcerers of Promenthas-" ":-were met by a group of my zealous followers and slaughtered," interrupted the God impatiently.
A fatwa is an Islamic scholar's religious opinion, though sometimes zealous followers can interpret it as an order.
Admiring visitors included Ernst Haeckel, a zealous follower of Darwinismus in a translation favouring progressive evolution over natural selection.