The lieutenant who came in was an extremely slender, youthful-looking man with dark hair, sallow skin, and sharp sensitive features.
Today, at 58, he is a somewhat portly but still youthful-looking man, passionate about fashion.
Ah Song is a youthful-looking and handsome man in his mid-40s.
Next he noticed a bewhiskered, youthful-looking man, sitting at a roll-top desk, who regarded him curiously.
Standing among them, a youthful-looking man in a dark suit, suspenders and wire-rimmed glasses eagerly shook hands.
Tim Curley, the athletic director, a trim, youthful-looking man in his 50's, was reared across the street from the old playing field.
Another figure, a small, slight shadow, a pale-skinned, youthful-looking man.
John Bigelow was a bright, youthful-looking man in his middle forties.
The movie maker was a short (5 feet 7 1/2 inches), gregarious and youthful-looking man whose main education was vaudeville from the age of 14.
The patient, a youthful-looking man, lay on his side, facing away from Crusher.